something waits from another world


The raven wolfess posed no threat, nothing that Kansas could scent or see. He was almost always correct in his summation of strangers, just because of his nose and eyes. Looking to Mati, he sensed the nervous edge, her deep purple eyes holding some suppressed uncertainty. Either he had put her off somehow (oh, hopefully not), or she was simply shyer around strangers than he was. Mati's words confirmed the latter. She had exaggerated his talent, something she would not have done if she were upset with him. Though his tail tip flicked her way to dismiss what had been said, he was smiling with inner flattery. His relationship with Mati was very important to him; he adored her as a skilled artist and as the lover of his daughter. He began to think that she could admire him, if not now, later.

Mati asked the charred female of her history with Crimson Dreams, something that Kansas was interested in as well. Though he was a notoriously sorry border patrolman, the Colonel still wished to know as much as possible about Crimson Dream's comers and goers. He met Mati's gaze when she offered it to him, though his attention was quickly anchored to Angelique as her voice rose amid the breeze. She shared that her Phoenix Valley pack mates had talents, but rarely used them. The female's meaning was strange, assuming Kansas had understood it. Mati painted all the time, creating one beautiful image after another. Kansas only used his teaching skill when others asked it of him, but he always obliged. He wished he could do it more often, actually.

Instead of answering Mati's question (she must not have heard), Angelique produced a beautiful wooden instrument from her pack. Its design lured Kansas's eyes, and they traced the curves and slots of the flute right until Angelique placed its mouthpiece to her lips. From there, she began an upbeat jingle, the music hitting him inside and spreading throughout his body as he watched the woman keep a beat with the flute and her body alike. Kansas was jealous of her talent. He was a rhythmic soul and yet had never even touched that part of himself. Sighing for reasons only he knew, Kansas glanced at Mati with a smile, hoping that she was enjoying the show as much as he.

That was beautiful... you're good, he said softly when the last of Angelique's notes had died down.

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table by alli


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