On his face is a map of the world
oocConfusedorry for the wait...also pp was discussed over skype yey +5

Early this morning, the Imaginifer had gotten his 10 month old son up out of his bed, and they prepared some empty bags to hang on the sides of the stallion for whatever supplies that they found while they were out there. Cotl would be on the hunt for some art supplies, and whatever else he could find that would be useful to the Imaginifer at his place. He was hoping to bring home something on wheels though, because he needed to have something that they could use to transport things. The Imaginifer needed to have a base of things to work with when he finally got this project going. He wanted to make the carriage, and he was needing someone who was good with woodwork, since he was more of a musician/artist, he wasn't too good at building. Cotl tried to think about if Cassius would be any good at woodwork, and he didn't really know. Either way, he was here with his son, leaving Inferni before sunrise without the presence of Marik or Izaak. This was simply a father and son day. Cotl had decided it. Cotl would put his tattoo gun in his messenger bag and some black ink before mounting the steed and helping his son up onto the horse.

The boy was a bit rough with the riding, obviously not used to it. Cotl understood what it was like, for he, at one point was very awkward on the horse's back and it took him everyday and hours on the horse's back before he would finally get comfortable enough to jump off the horse while trotting now. Full blast was hard still, but that was because you'd think that jumping off something in full gallop would be scary either way. Sascha gripped his shoulders hard as they would bounce on the trotting stallion. Hours and hours would do by with them riding before they would get to their first of destinations in Halifax. It would be the public library of the dead city, and it was one of the best ways to find some type of paper that you could use to write on. There was also the part where the two might find some pencils and shit. Cotl twitched a few times as he pulled the horse to a stop. Cotl remembered the first time he was at the library. He ended up riding the horse into the damn library and he met a pretty little femme in there too.

Cotl moved, turning his head towards the boy. Dies ist unser erster Stopp. Die Bibliothek. Cotl was quick to speak to the boy, he knew that Sascha was still young and he didn't know very much English, like both Marik and Cotl did, so Cotl had naturally spoken to the man in their native tongue. It was no problem to him. Not at all. Cotl peeled the boy's cream fingers from his shoulders and he jumped down onto the ground and then looked back to his son. The boy was already taller than him and so Sascha would have to deal with getting himself down from that horse's back. He waited for the boy to come down before he pointed to one of the bags. Bringen eine dieser-NYEH-" he spoke, a twitch of his neck as he turned his attention to Maschine. "Maschine, stays here-FUCKHORSE SHITBITCH-" the man would speak to the horse before he would lead the silent boy into the library's large doors. The stallions stayed where he was, leaning his tattooed head down to the ground to munch on some grass as the two would enter the large library.

Cotl would be quick to move through the large library, sometimes stopping to pick up some books, including ones that were about plants and herbs, anything with tattoos or pretty pictures in it, a few journals, and some other miscellaneous books, mainly mythical beasts books because Cotl liked dragons and shit like that. Anyways, he also tried to find some blank books, which he did find one of them. Nose was to the ground as he searched for the smell of ink. He found one and quickly found a desk that was still intact that had ink jars and a quill. Cotl held a wicked grin on his face and he looked at his son...The man who mirrored Cotl himself. "Here's!" he spoke to the boy and he handed it over, along with a blank book. "Ve needs ein uhm..." he tried to find another word for what he was thinking they needed to find for the kid. Cotl looked down at the sling that held his hip. "Dis. Einer dieser." the man spoke to his son and nodded his head, a wicked grin on his face.



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