Tell me why why why

layin' down the LAW 300+

Niro looked at him, shock and pain written clearly upon his face. When the other, larger male turned to look at him for a moment Haven wondered if he would dare defy the order. If he did it would be a grave mistake on his part. Thankfully he seemed to come back to himself and slowly backed away from the stricken smaller male. The Knight watched his every movement with an intensity that would make anyone uncomfortable. He, too, had some cuts, but they were not as significant as the damage that he had dealt to Niro. To another member of the pack. Haven's blood boiled. He had only had to break up a fight between packmates once before, and that had been Firefly and Svara. If he would have expected it of anyone, it would have been the two hotheaded women. Still, that had been inexcusable, just as it was now. If they couldn't keep from fighting each other how did they expect the pack to survive?

The softly uttered question made jade flash dangerously and lips revealed deadly ivory fangs. "That's all you have to say? Yes? As if I interrupted a simple conversation?" he snapped. It was one thing to start this in the first place, but then to act nonchalant about it. His bristled tail lashed behind him in anger. He still didn't know what had caused this or who had made the first move, but it was seeming clear to him that the major fault lie with this nameless man. "I don't know what this was about, and I don't care. You NEVER attack a fellow member. Do you hear me?" His eyes darted quickly to Niro before looking back at the other male. "You start any more fights, either of you, and you'll be out of here quicker than you can think. Do I make myself clear?" It was his job to keep peace and order within the pack as well as outside of it. He wasn't going to stand for this sort of thing to happen again, and he was sure Vigilante wouldn't either.

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