Feed This End



The behemoth’s features remained unchanged as he sat there contemplating his next course of action. Nayru had grown up it seemed, and he would have to train her. Those blue hues looked out at the ocean, the sun now warmly lighting their back drop, burning away the moisture on the grass. With a very adult like sigh as muscles and sinew moved to a standing position. Bones not as spry as even a year ago, everything about him seemed to ache more as he continued to keep his body in prime condition. Still it never did help ease the signs of aging even if he was just 2 and half years old. A hand was offered to help the younger up. Being a gentleman first before warrior, a smile offered as well. Did he know if he was going to create a monster? No but he hoped that in some small way the knowledge he would give her would be used as sparingly as possible. Nayru had an uncharacteristic intelligence about her so he trusted that once her training was done, when she would use her stealth and cunning in tandem with her newly found killing skills.

“We can start tomorrow if you like Nayru?”Eyes turned to hers in that moment, the brute still towered over her, the broad chest, heavily muscled arms and shoulders, all direct opposites to her lithe frame. For now at least he’d like to spend more time with her, and get to know her a bit before leaving her to cherish her dagger for the rest of the day.

“Nayru, I never heard anyone speak of your parents, or your family. Do you have any little one?” he asked politely, trying to get some answers out of the young girl. Some part of him worried she didn’t, worried that her young life had been lived without such things. It was a pity if it was true; Saluce had always known his mother and sisters. If anyone knew him better then himself his two sisters did, and constantly reminded him of that fact. If they could see him now though, he wondered what exactly they would have to say. A hand ushered for Nayru to follow him, the behemoth needed to walk to keep his limbs from going stiff on him, needed to move so he could get ready for the day ahead.

“I’d like to get to know you more Nayru, so I can help you if you ever need anything. I also don’t want you to know the pain I felt when I felt my soul being ripped apart because of my own two hands. So if for nothing else, I feel a duty to make sure that your path doesn’t lead toward ruin Nayru” that would have to be the extent of his paternal feelings for her. Saluce wasn’t her father but he was her elder and would most likely rank up in the pack as a leader so for now the grey wolf simply decided to have a more working relationship with her.

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