There is Life in every breath

psh, I think it's fine! :3 mine's kinda odd too, still getting used to her :o 700+

In a manner, the Shimazu daughter was used to having her looks examined by others. Whenever she had gone out with her parents they had always received curious and reverent stares from the people who lived in their land. The children had always been especially interested, and had not yet learned to show the same subdued curiosity as the adults did, and would gape at them openly. The first time she had been taken out she had shown the same amount of unabashed interest, having spent her whole life without any playmates of her own age. Her father quickly instructed her on her etiquette though, and she learned to look with the same sideways glances that those much older than herself watched with. It was her job to be a pillar of strength and morality for these people and she had never taken that duty lightly. Tsukiko had wanted to become what her family needed her to become.

Thinking of those old experiences helped to calm her in the face of these new ones. The leader's inspection no longer plucked at her nerves like the strings of an instrument. She was a Shimazu, and she would not be weak or afraid. Even if she was afraid, she would not show it. She still had to be strong, even if her people were not here to see. This journey wasn't only an escape, but a test. The girl needed to keep up the teachings of her parents and return to Japan as the strong and respected leader she had always been meant to be. It didn't matter how long she would have to stay here, she would not lose herself, or her culture. In that subtle way, she was also examining Conor, for he was as foreign to her as she was to him. No one seemed to wear garments here, which was the first a most obvious sign that she was far out of her element. They lived in houses though. Perhaps civilization was just slower in coming to this distant corner of the world.

When he said it was an honor to meet her, she couldn't help the excited skip that her heart gave. From the moment she had left on the ship, she had told herself that she could not expect the same things that had been given to her without question in Japan. Outside of her country, she was nothing. Not a noble, not anyone. To hear something so familiar from this leader filled her with a warm sense of comfort. She would have offered the same sentiment in reply, but you did not speak or interrupt a leader back home, and she afforded Conor this same respect. He said he trusted Layla's judgment and she held her breath, waiting for what she hoped to hear. He continued, and those most hoped for words came from him. Tsukiko looked at the autumnal man brightly, unable to conceal the smile that came to her soft lips. "Arigato Conor-sama, I mean, thank you. Thank you," she said, bowing her head once more in gratitude. The truth was she still had a home, she just could not be there now. Usually such thoughts would have saddened her deeply, but for now she was too relieved to let it get to her.

"No, I do not mind." How could she, after he had just offered her a place within his pack? Such a conversation would likely be beneficial to the both of them, for she hoped to learn more about him as well. There were not many westerners that she knew, and none that she knew well. Perhaps Conor would be the first. Tsukiko knew that she would be able to learn much from him. He moved aside to allow her entrance to his home. "There is nothing to forgive. Yes, I would like that," she said with the same small smile on her delicate face. As she stepped forward Setsuna, who had been sitting behind her, came forward with her. "Oh, I forgot. This is Setsuna. She was friends with my parents, and now she is mine," The only one I truly have, "She has come with me all this way." She didn't know if felines garnered the same respect here as they did in the east, but Tsukiko could never think of Setsuna as anything less than an equal.

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