and my world falls down

WC: 759 {8 points, 1 for Word of the Day}

Layla could tell from looking at the wolf that she was an innocent soul. While her original home was still unknown, she obviously came from a place were violence was against their practice. How the mistress would love to see what her home was like, but she was here now and she was here to stay. As the black and white she wolf turned her head to look to Tsukiko, she could a dash of sorrow blinding her happiness. It was obvious that the scene of the skulls was still playing in her head but now it seemed like something else was too. Although the she wolf's curiousity was rising and wanted to know what else was bothering her, she was not the one to be rude and intrude on her feelings. Layla took this time to plan out a route home and waited for Tsukiko to be ready to move on. The mistress was ready to go at any time. As the she wolf was about to move, her comment on never getting used to this place was not a surprise to her. A soft sigh passed through the mistress' lips as her orbs moved to meet Tsukiko's. ”Well then the best advice I can give you is to stay away from the Inferni border. Seeing as the skulls were near their borders, it was most likely them, so probably best to stay away form them.” Layla had other plans dealing with Inferni, and one day she was going to journey there and speak to their leaders about their relationship with Dahlia de Mai, but that thought was best for some other day. Now her attention was focused on getting the she wolf back to her home.

As Layla was waiting on the flat part of the cliff, she noticed that Tsukiko was having a bit of trouble because she was carrying some things. The mistress was not one to pass up the chance to help someone. She lowered her rear to sat down as her orbs followed the she wolf's movements. ”Do you need any help Tsukiko? I can carry something if you need me to. No reason to burden yourself if this path is a bit difficult for you.” Once Tsukiko had met her up on the flat area, she would plan out the flatest way back to Dahlia de Mai and take anything if the she wolf needed her to carry anything. Once everything and everyone was ready to go, Layla began to lead the way back home. As they continued, the black and white she wolf led Tsukiko under a rock formation that looked like an arch. It was nice to take the time and enjoy the scenery that Phoenix Valley had to offer. So far the trail was easy and flat so it wouldn't be much trouble for Tsukiko and her feline friend; however, the trail soon came to an end and it was time to go a bit downhill. The mistress would let her new friends head down first and she would keep to their pace behind them. Once they were down on the flat surface again, it shouldn't be too long before they reached the Dahlia de Mai border. Layla paused for a moment to give her company a chance to catch their breath before continuing on.

Layla had forgotten to answer Tsukiko's question about who Conor was. A smile formed on her face as she began to lead the pair into the heart of Dahlia de Mai. ”You're right, Conor is the alpha of Dahila de Mai, though he normally doesn't think of himself that way. I admire how he thinks of himself as just another pack member. It puts him more to your own level and it makes it easier to talk to him, or at least that's my opinion. Some people may think otherwise.” Now that they had enter Dahlia lands, it was time to give a little tour before she headed back to Wolfville. The mistress had to admit that even she hadn't been everywhere in the packlands, but she would point out the places she had been to. The first place to visit was demon's trail. The black and white she wolf padded along as she followed one of the trails. Her gaze moved up to the golden she wolf and wagged her tail. ”This area of the land is called 'Demon's Trail'. I've explored this area a bit. There's a lot of trails you can take as well as plenty of flowers to look at.”

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