Life the bigger picture

table © Alaine
ooc: We should have another thread after this

Amaranth almost didn't want him to feel bad she want him to be happy and right now he didn't look it. You are not a bad man you have done nothing I bet. Niro you have nothing not to give in life. She said as she looked at him. She wanted to ssee him smile but he didn't seem to be like that.

She just watched him and then decided that being like this was strange. She looked at him the anger leaving her eyes being replaced with sarrow she was wanting to make things better to shape the world to fit her needs. Niro can we do fun things again after your healed? Can we be like we were before? Or is it to late are we too gone? she found herself constantly bouncing between beening a puppy minded girl and a hard headed bitch.

Looking at him she closed her eyes and focused shifting to lupus she wanted to be close to niro and couldn't do it like this. Her body ached being forced to change she hadn't been like this in so long. opening her eyes she looked at him. Her mind lost in her own thoughts.

Speak think walk


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