A million words would not bring you back

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Her sleek face never changed these days. The frown painted delicately on her maw seemed too dark for her incandescent moods. She was feeling sick again, sick of herself and what she had become. Shades of gray like stormy clouds reflected in her eyes as dull as still water. The light from outside was pale and cold but her heart reached for it with wavering hope that had been lost among the jumble of emotions.

Walking is what I believe I need whether I am able to or not.

Ever said, fitfully turning back around to face the white wolf. Her legs were cramped and piercing with lack of use. But she couldn’t face the outside world alone.

Come with me Niro, help me I will help you. Come with me.

Her voice was young with ambitions, eye’s flickered fiercely before dying out again. They would run away from it all, just for a little bit. She could take care of him. She had no doubt, even in her state. All that mattered now was getting out of the crevice she had carved in her gloom and filled with endless darkness. Everything seemed to be outlined with shadows.

Together they could be safe. Perhaps they would ride to Lunenberg and into the house she had missed unconsciously. Or wander the hills of Miracles. But both couldn’t go on without constant rests. Ever would make sure Niro could make it with her. She wasn’t asking him to run away with her, but just to get away. The yearn to need someone hurt like an injury now.

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Table by Sie-Cakes!


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