Bringing Home Blitzen

5+ Table by Lou!

Talitha figured that he was really lucky for herself to be the one who happened upon him and was in her presence in the first place, for she would assume anyone else would have already lost their patience with him and either gave it up or went straight for the kill. Though half the time Talitha was mentally gone from this world or under the influence of something, she still had the heart deep down in herself to make a difference and to try and understand others. It was in her personal philosophy to look in the best of others instead of the worst, although most of the time that was easier said than done in her case and with the events that happened in her past. She was trying, though, putting forth her best effort not to be a screw up in the eyes of her father or in the eyes of Inferni anymore.

So, what did baby albinos typically like to eat? There was no way on exactly pinpointing its favorite treat, but from what Talitha knew by studying the patterns of how most caribou and elk moved, they were typical grazers of grass, plants, berries, any foliage material they could get their hooves on. "It would probably eat mostly grass and leaves, but I've got something else that might work better than those." She said, and tearing her crimson gaze away from the albino baby, she casted a glance back behind her shoulder. Upon trudging into the Eclipse, Talitha could have swore she seen a berry bush somewhere along her travels.

Figuring that berries would work better than any old pile of grass, Talitha knew the berry busy of which she seen wasn't too far away. "I've got just the thing. I'll be right back. You keep your eye on the baby." Not wanting to lose sight of the albino, it would do Talitha good if she was the one who scavenged for the berries and the boy to stay to watch his soon to be prized possession of a pet. While her strides were long and graceful, her conscious in the back of her mind was nearly laughing at her. Are you really serious right now? Helping this boy out to keep a freaking doe as a pet when instead it could be used for lamb chop? Her instinct gnawed at her stomach, adding to her conscious' protest on why she was helping to preserve the baby instead of butcher it.

Talitha almost passed by the berry bush if it wasn't for her peripheral vision catching sight of some appealing, red looking berries. She wasn't exactly sure what kinds of berries these were, but they would work. Plucking some off gingerly with her teeth (because she still was in Lupus form after all), there was enough gathered upon her tongue and stored in her cheek to where she retrieved them and then strode back over to the Cotl look alike. The berries didn't taste great, were quite bitter on her tongue, and so she let them go from inside her cheek in front of the coyote. It probably didn't look too appetizing to see her dumping out berries from her mouth, but it was the only way this was going to work without hurting the baby. "Berries, see? They don't taste too great to us, but I'm sure the baby will love them." Hopefully the baby won't mind they were covered in hybrid spit. "How about you take some, and try to head over to it to offer it as a treat?" Talitha suggested.

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