Dress Up In You
*pats* 405.

Nayru remained poised and composed, although they began to tread on topics she was inexperienced at talking about. Her family, why had she mentioned them? If she missed them she never showed it, and rarely did she think of them as anything more than souls who existed far from her. They were no longer a part of her, not at the present moment anyway. When her sisters joined her, if ever, they would be welcomed warmly, but they were rarely thought of and never missed. The need for them had been replaced, and perhaps too easily, but she had been young and that couldn’t be helped. The black patched girl could barely remember her mother’s sweet voice or her father’s kind face. Yet to simply say “not really” would disappoint Harlowe, Nayru could sense that from how he spoke of his own family. Her answer was padded, but devoid of any real sorrow.

"I was really young when I was separated from them. It’s a shame I didn’t get to know them better." That was not a lie, it was a shame that any child missed out on knowing their true blood family, but that Nayru felt sorry for it wasn’t true. The girl rarely felt sorry for anything, especially situations that were out of her control. She was sorry she couldn’t hunt, and she was sorry when she made a mistake, especially if there was a witness to her blunder, but otherwise she was content with her lot. Dahlia de Mai had engulfed her. The pride and loyalty she felt for the pack was beyond anything the seven month girl had felt before, and she couldn’t imagine any other life. She was home and the pack was more than enough to keep her happy.

At the mention of Berwick Nayru nodded. Often she spent time there, or in the vineyards, or Flander’s Field. Nereid she also frequented, along with the harbor. The whole west coast of Dahlia de Mai was mapped out mentally in her head, and it was perhaps this that made her longed to live further out from everyone. Where ever she landed, she would live in Dahlia de Mai, yet a bit of space from the others didn’t seem like a bad idea. "Do you like Berwick best? I think cliffs are my favorite place in Dahlia, but hardly suitable for a den. I can’t think of anywhere more beautiful though."


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