Fate Isn't far Behind
OOC: Hi! Thanks for the quick reply ^^

Artery waited patiently at the borderlands. Her mind raced with what she might find. Home, love, a place to release all her pent up anger? No matter which it was, someone would be coming for her soon, no doubt. She rolled over in the grass in bliss as the sun shown warmly on her stomach. A gentle breeze made time see like it was moving so fast. The clouds flew gracefully through the air and Art wished for a fleeting moment that her soul had been born a bird and not that of a carnivore forced to be captive in a pack setting. But as a bird who would fly free, she would be alone, thus never finding what she was always truly looking for.
Art thanked Fate who joined by her side when she heard the approach of another. His tall form raising his paw at her. She had seen a few like this one before, humanoid like. But never been up close and personal with one. She quickly lay her head flat on the ground once more in submission. He was obviously of a higher ranking with the way he held himself and approached her easily. Her eyes couldn't help but flick back and forth from the brute to the ground. He was stunning in all his powerful glory. The perfect leader approach. Her ears perked while he spoke to her and then quickly lay back down. "Greetings. The Tribe whose attention you have called for is called AniWaya, and I am their Chief. What do you seek?" His voice was strong and sure. This would hopefully be interesting if not a successful acceptance into a new home. "Thank you for seeing me so quickly Chief of AniWaya. I am Artery Nial and I come seeking a new home and new friends. A place where I may serve a purpose." Artery hoped that her reply was sufficient in respect toward the Chief and waited to see if this would be the end of her search.

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