One Generation to Another
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No problem! I just held up a lot of people for a while... eep!
Wc: 462~

Knowing that her niece took after her in stubbornness, Ghita knew exactly how to get past the, at times, harsh defenses that stubborn faes could raise from time to time. It involved a lot of back-door maneuvering, and a lot of passive-aggressive compliments. If anyone said straight to Ghita's face that she was wrong, or was being stupid, the agouti fae would usually reply in indigence. But recently she had mollified, although that didn't change how much she knew about stubborn wolves.

Unable to help smiling at Artemis' thoughtfulness, a hand snaked down to ruffle the fur between Artemis' ears in an affectionate manner, the older fae proud as could be. "Thanks, caro." Truthfully, it would take a lot more than a window monster to bring the strong-willed aunt down - especially if any of her family was in danger - but Ghita let that specific point fall for the time being.

She had other things to worry about. Barely able to cry out a "Be careful! before the sprightly child was off, Ghita couldn't do anything but follow behind unsteadily, leaping over the glass with the help of her wooden walking stick where the going became more difficult. After the pair had leapt over the sea of broken glass, they landed in the doorway, the aunt only a few feet away from the niece.

"So, we've escaped from the jaws of a window monster and crossed a sea of glass... sounds like plenty of adventure for the day, eh?" Ghita added jauntily in the small silence that followed. It was one of those remarks that didn't necessarily require a response, but still stated the obvious in a more appealing manner. Despite feeling slightly guilty that the timber aunt hadn't bothered to clean out the mess that the Marinos had left in the room, Ghita turned her radiant pearly smile onto the question Artemis had just offered to her.

Letting out a soft sigh, Zia's eyes sparkled with a tale from far away, mischief playing on her aging features. "No... we didn't have many windows where I used to live... but I did get fall into a frozen lake, once! It was the absolute coldest I had ever been. I was stuck there for almost three minutes before my mother heard me calling out." She told the story with a light-hearted tone, despite the morose quality it could've taken with the mention of Ghita's deceased mother.

Why were you trying to get out of the window, anyways?" The aunt asked, figuring she deserved that piece of information after rescuing her niece. Leaning against the wall to take the weight off of her leg, she gave a quizzical glance to her niece, accented with turquoise optics highlighting her smile. Wouldn't the door be easier?"


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