A million words would not bring you back

WC:336 (3 Points)

Niro listened to her, feeling a little weaker now, he couldn’t stand much and his paw felt tender now that the amputated toe had opened again. When she mentioned him going with her, his heart fell, if he went with her he would surely collapse of the pain, or exhaustion from exherting himself so much already. If he refused, she’d be just as miserable, well he was sure if something happened to him she would be able to get Alaine at least. He nodded, picking himself back up. Marahute didn’t seem to like his actions but he couldn’t help it. He looked at Tobias’ cage, he’d do with some fresh air too, so he wouldn’t ask her to cover his cage, he turned to the closest door, and took a step to it, looking back at Ever.

Where is it we are going?

He asked, if they were going for just a walk he might head her over to the hotel, where there was some dried meat, at least in his new room that his sister had given him… the one that he couldn’t get to without help… but he knew there was food there, and clean water as well, so if she wasn’t sure he’d know, she needed nourishment and he needed rest as soon as possible, and doing that he though would be best of both worlds, but it was all entirely up to Ever who seemed determined to actually go somewhere far away, which he wouldn’t ever be able to do until he healed… if he ever healed. It felt like it was taking too long, even though it really hadn’t been all that long… he just wished he could change, it was killing him to not be able to train, as it seemed she was being hurt from the inside as well. He still had no idea what was wrong and why she was this way, but it didn’t matter if he knew or not. What mattered was that she got better.

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