Fate Isn't far Behind
OOC: Oooo, you live in The Netherlands or somewhere close to that? I have many online RPG dutch friends. >.<

At his friendly words and posture she sat up into a normal sitting position. His two legged form was intimidating to say the least. She looked him up and down, listening to his words about the tribe. Her face twitched a bit as he asked about her talents. Most of her life she had been a loner, searching for a place to call home. She never considered improving her skills though. Something that she most likely should have. Her paws stretched and kneaded the ground. This slight set back could be stressful. Art swallowed hard as her mouth dried out. Her nose twitched and the sound of a bird off in the distance made the situation all that more awkward with the looming silence.
"I'm afraid not, Sir. I have come looking for a place to build myself and make a home. I'm more than willing to learn anything though I've always been interested in the idea of healing. I can offer my full attention while learning and my practicing in all my spare time to become the best I can at the skill." Art lowered her head a bit. She did not want to look up to see if there was disappointment or pity on his face. It would give her an instant feeling of exile and Fate would have done her part. It was Fate who turned Art's eyes to the ground so she trusted her choice to save herself from an onslaught of emotions.

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