The birds and the BEES!
Oy! don’t talk about jobs! School is enough to keep me from souls lately, and oh boy do I need money. If I get a job whatever will be do?!?! 315.

Gideon’s words surprised Nayru but the girl did not show it, keeping only a compassionate face as the boy explained about his mother, and more importantly to the fairy child, his father. His father had been here? He had taken Gideon’s siblings? Why hadn’t Nayru realized how close to losing Gideon she had come? Nayru had noticed the disappearance of the other Stormbringer children, but she had not questioned it. They were important because they were Dahlian, and because they were part of Gideon, but she could live with that loss. Losing the charcoal boy would have been too big of a blow.

"Yes, this is your family." Nayru grinned, happy that he understood, even if no one else did. Others had asked about her parents, her siblings, her life before. Even if she could remember any of it better, she would willingly forget. This was her life, this was her family, and this was all that mattered. Conor, Bris, Gideon and the others. Something thicker than blood tied her to Dahlia and she couldn’t explain it to anyone, but with Gideon she didn’t have to explain. So rarely did she had to explain anything of importance to the boy, he understood her and if he didn’t he always accepted without question her particularities and quirks.

From her standstill then she leaped, breaking the stillness and solemn air with a cheerful yelp. Her cold nose pressed into the boy’s thick coat and she leapt away, her cherry eyes dancing wildly. Too serious they had become, and they had their whole lives ahead of them to be serious. Nayru switched off the seriousness as if it were a switch, her whole body wriggling as her angelic voice sang out. "You’re it Gideon, come get me." And off she sprang, the dirt under her paws flying up as the fairy floated further into the children’s private garden.

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