Don't Worry 'Bout Me



Inside him raged a fire he hadn't felt in quite some time, not since Garnet had left him. It was an anger filled with pure rage and emotion. A defense mechanism of sorts meant to protect his heart from getting hurt over and over again. It felt wrong inside him and yet, in his current state of mind, it felt go good to feel his muscles twitch and the fire burn inside his chest. It was in his genetics to be a fighter, a killer even. He had managed to fight off his warrior instincts as had every generation before him but everyone in the Knight line knew not to be around a male when he had lost his temper. Luckily the pacing kept his mind focused on the movement rather then the emotions bursting inside him.

It was a rare sight if someone happened to look out one of the many windows lining the walls of the manor. Jazper hardly every lost his temper on anyone and Ghita was known to be tough around the edges but she had a soft and loving heart. It wouldn't have surprised the Knight if other wolves were avoiding this scene on purpose. Aro's story caused a new emotion to stir in the father, the feeling of deja vu. Stopping and listening to Ghita's angry voice he began to remember a similar experience he had with his own parents. As a young male he had fallen madly and unexpectedly in love with a black coyote named Garnet. He had adored her playful behavior and fallen in love, or lust, without much thought. Deuce and Lucifer had different plans for him though and happened to have a loathing for coyotes for one reason or another and refused their blessing. His parents behavior that day had deeply hurt his feelings and he could slowly see the same feelings bubbling inside of Aro.

The sudden outburst from his boys muzzle followed by Ghita's quick and cold remarks calmed Jazper down slightly. This wasn't the time to be yelling. Nothing could be gained from three angry wolves except a loss of respect and hurt feelings. Taking a deep breath he calmed himself down and stopped his pacing in time to hear where his little boy had been. His face turned from calm to unreadable as he tried to cover up his emotions. Ghita's words continued to fly and add more heat back into his heart. Aro could have been killed. The thought scared him, made him worry that the lessons hadn't been taught, or information hadn't been given. Jazper knew the boy could defend himself but not against a pack.

As Ghita moved towards him he let out a sigh and nuzzled her gently in hopes of soothing her icey mood. The two parents together could make a dangerous team when both of them were angry but for now Aro was safe because of Jazper's past memories. Taking a few steps forward Jazper let his ears flop back into a relaxed position and his tail fall slightly in a sad attempt to gain his sons trust back. “Aro, my son.” He said in a soft but stern tone. “I understand that the young lady needed an escort home. In that you were correct. The only concerns your mother and I have are about your personal safety.” Hoping Aro would calm down a little if he talked quieter he continued, “Dahlia de Mai just got out of a war with Inferni. If they thought you were a threat they could have seriously hurt you and we wouldn't have known.” The young father tried his best to explain calmly to his son instead of the method of yelling which clearly hadn't been working.


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