Happiness Unraveled
I am so sorry for the delay :[
     Sound was the single strongest trigger within Gabriel’s memories. He did not recall images, or names, or sometimes even faces, but he recognized tone and vibration. Often he connected sounds with images. Many of these were terrible things. Still others were better. Her voice was one of them. Though he could not remember why it made him think of it, he recalled the smell of the ocean.

     His amber eyes followed her body, lithe and graceful, but still he remained motionless. Even now he recognized the danger in her body—the way her muscles were poised to strike. Despite the raptor-intensity in his eyes, the dark-faced man carried no violence in his body. He had made a vow never to kill women. He would not break this. He did not wish to.

     Then the words pulled at those memory strings, and they tugged, nay, ripped open a place he had long ago closed off. “We found treasure,” he said quietly, his eyes going hazy with time. “You were a princess.” And once, he had been a prince.

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