Happiness Unraveled

ooc: not a problem! hope your load eases up sometime soon :3
wc: 300+

His voice shivered over her skin. The woman watched him with owlish emerald eyes, pupils dilated in concentration amongst the glorious foliage pigment of her iris. Tense, wary, unsure. A broken thing - An abused thing. His own eyes were of puritition amber, glowing coals in the growing darkness. Cool night air swept her clean, tossing between them like ghosts. Like memories.

She watched as his eyes lost focus, saw a different time, and felt her own perception dragged with it to the bleak memory of two children on the brink of a vast ocean. The soft lapping of waves. The tentative thrill of excitement, fresh-born friendship blooming like a desert rose there on the pirate sands. Slender ivory fingers fell still about the blade, her posture straightening, tense muscles easing to fluid surprise and limpness.

"You are he. Omra súile... Princeling."

Husky accented whisper hung in the cool air, filled with surprise. The foreign beauty held still, watching the handsome stranger a moment more in a mixture of disbelief and sudden, shocking awareness. How time had changed him... How time had changed them both. She took a hesitant step closer, peering at him now with an inquisitive air, the beginnings of a confused smile sweetening her pixie features. Then, struck by a sudden thought, she turned to rummage through the leather satchel at her curved hip, dagger and all sense of danger momentarily forgotten as her fingers sought out the secret pouch sewn delicately into it's side. Therein, the cool sensation of rare minerals slide against her fingers, and she withdrew the treasure from its depths and held it out for observation between them.

The necklace glittered, spilling over the palm of her hand like liquid gold. Emeralds of varying sizes caught the dying light of the sun and refracted pinpoints of jade on her cream and ivory pelt, sparkling like the internal light of her eyes as the lithe dancer lifted her gaze from the enthralling object to observe his reaction. She had kept it, all these years, tucked away from sight and mainly out of mind - Not even her son knew of it's existence. And, over time, she had forgotten it's origin, until the jewelery served only as a reminder of the princess she'd once been, the life she'd once had. But it had never lost it's brilliant luster, although her beauty had.

"I kept it." The words sounded strangely vulnerable. Did he know how important this artifact was to her? Emerald eyes kept close vigilance.

Speak think walk


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