So I guess its no suprise I can't forget you.

Blah. blah, blah blah blah..


Much of what the dog said confused her. He didn't accept violence that was in his homeland; only rainbows and butterflies. "Most younglings think that way." So why hadn't she? Because she saw them all murdered. The blood, sounds, every thing was so real. And there was no way to deny the fact that she will never see any of them again. "Is that such a bad thing?" It was most definitely was not good, every one should want a family to fall back on. She continued having increasingly irritating voices that filled her cloudy mind as he continued talking.

She did not want to have the responsibility of telling BIOS he was missing half an ear and had a large scar on his face. Remembering the days that she watched her own wound turn into a sore, pink, unremovable marking had been horrible. She had only herself to blame, herself and that man. After it had started to heal she tried to rid of it continuously, in any way she could. It was difficult without the human-like hands of a luperci, she could not touch it with her own paws. The injury was open for days, due to the fact that she didn't rest much. It was funny how the noise of the nightwalkers in that old forest seemed so much scarier back then when she slept outside the hut; now the quiet croaking of frogs and the sound of the light paws of a fox were as familiar as her own heartbeat. "Show him." Yuki obeyed the voice, rolling onto her stomach and showing her own scar sheepishly. Her tail was tucked tight in between her back legs, her front ones resting comfortably on her chest. She looked up at him and pinned her ears snuggly against her head, "It a scar, like this one." The pink line seemed thicker then before, more defined with her white fur surrounding it. The hairless mark looked almost as glossy as the coating on her icy eye, glimmering as the moonlight shined off of it. Her speech was quiet, her words the trembling almost as bad as her body, "And.. The one on your eye. Its not that bad.." To her it didn't look bad, it looked as if it belonged. After answering his question she went into her story, done thinking of ways to hide some of the dark truth:

"In the pack that I wouldn't have got to call my own, they only allowed one female at a time. They called her the 'breeding mother', she would of course, do all the breeding. Almost every one of the males were full blooded wolf, strong and healthy. When the breeding mother they had had for a few years found she couldn't do her job as well, she had one more litter before being 'escorted' off the pack lands. My mother, Kina, was the healthiest female out of the litter, so she was the only one who had the opportunity to live. To prevent cross breeding, both her brothers and sisters were killed. After a proper ceremony for the males who died, the training process began."

"It didn't take long for Kina to tire of it. Constantly being told over and over how she was only there for breeding purposes, and didn't actually have any rights. She could only leave pack lands on certain days, and on the days she was free of their 'teachings', she could almost consider herself happy. On one of the days when she was wandering around the dry fields, she met the man who would be my father. He was a dog, a bit more husky then wolf, meaning he could never be accepted into the pack. They fell in love, and soon enough she was pregnant with his children. Kina could be killed for her mistake, so they agreed to run away together. Their happiness was short lived, my mother returned to the pack lands only to realize that she had been caught. Her beloved was killed, brutally. Kina knew she still had to get away, she would not let her first litter of pups be killed for her mistakes. And most certainly not because of their gender."

"I never got to hear about how she got away, she usually broke down after that part of the story.. It was hard to squeeze any information about it after that. Under the twisted roots of a large tree, Kina dug up and under them, making the cozy earth floor our home. The roots served us like a protective embrace that our mother did not have, she refused to touch us unless she absolutely had to. I guess we reminded her to much of our father.. But I'll never really know. I only had one friend back then, not that I have many more now. It was my brother, Kuro. He was strong and brave, every thing I wished I could be and more. I envied him, I loved him."

At this point tears ran down from her eyes, they streamed over her cheeks then vanished into the soil near her. She made no sounds for a minute or two, breathing deeply and trying to calm herself. "Oh Yuki..Crying was meant for the weak. Have you sank that low already?"

"..-Kina hit us, a lot. It was how she was raised, and though she tried to give us the best life she could, some times she just couldn't stop herself. Kuro tried to protect me some times, but at others all my siblings just watched. She hurt me more often then the others, probably because I wouldn't obey all of her foolish commands. One night when she had returned from another unsuccessful hunt, I noticed she was making an effort not to look at us. I tried to brush it off, that and the creepy feeling running up my spine, soon enough I was caught in a restless sleep. I awoke to the smell of blood filling my nose and the sound of bones crushing.. Weeps I recognized as my mother's filled my ears as well. My other siblings had been slaughtered, but Kuro was no where to be found. He left me when they came, I recon he ran off some where safe.. I felt the hot breath of a large wolf in my face, the blood of my family lurking in his mouth and threatening to make me vomit, "Where is he?" I knew he was talking about Kuro, so I gave him the honest answer. I told him I didn't know. That's when I got the scar, he scratched me with something, dragged it right down my stomach. Then he left. I don't know why he let me live, but I think he knew he didn't kill me. I walked all that night until I found the familiar hut of a woman I called the bird lady.. She had luperci, but didn't help with my wound for an unknown reason.. She provided me with a warm home until one day she was just gone.. Or I ran away, I think.. I can't remember that far any more."

She didn't give him all the details, but she didn't hide them all either. "He was going to have to learn about it sooner or later..." She shifted slightly, still laying on her back, but now looking at the stars rather then his eyes as she awaited his questions.

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