There is Life in every breath


Ears perked with vibrant interest as the foreign word slipped from her unintentionally. She quickly amended with what he supposed was the translation, but his smile never faltered. Arigato, thank you. Her second bow brought doubts forth within him, for he wondered if it would be considered impolite if he just stood there. Should he return the bow or something similar? These could be seen as silly thoughts, but fascination for the lands beyond the great sea was steering his emotions with ease. He wanted to know about this woman and her country; their customs and how they led life. Fascinating! Did everyone have such perfected manners as Tsukiko?

The woman stepped forward to enter, and it was first now that the lavender eyed man laid eyes on the jet black cat behind her. A needle was pressed against his heart. Companions were uncommon, but not unheard of. When he had been younger he had often been accompanied by the fox Alco, which he had saved from Haku when it was very young. He had not seen the fox for quite a while now, and he found his thoughts reaching out for the orange animal often, though it remained gone. Setsuna was it. He knew enough to know that felines were intelligent creatures in more ways than one, so he decided to treat the cat as an equal as he did with all canines. ”My apologies, Setsuna. I did not see you there. Please, enter as well.”

Refusing to allow his doubt to manifest within the inner walls of his chest, he turned slightly to speak to the fair woman again. ”Would you be interested in some tea? I’ve picked the herbs myself, and though it may not own the same quality as proper tea, it’s not too bad.” The taste was more than alright, but he had tasted better when he first started experimenting with the hot herbal drink. It did not matter too much, for he found that it helped him relax and he felt generally healthier if he took care to down three to five cups of different herbal infusions every day.

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Table by Siekone

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