my bloodied wings - m


Eyes narrowed and a snort was given as the doggish girl spoke her reasoning for her presence in the clan lands. Truth be told the Lykoi had not known that Talitha had been exiled? Why was she back then if she had been sent away and told not to return? Obviously, Halo had no details in what had happened and why her cousin had been sent away, but she did not think that she needed such trivial things. This dog before her did not belong because she had failed in her loyalty to the clan. Oversized, copper hued ears pressed against her dark locks and the woman looked the other red eyed hybrid over critically. Perhaps it pleased to hear that the other firmly stated that this was her home, but Halo was not certain that she could ever agree with this.

Zana too had been a little bitch. Parading back and expecting everyone to be happy to welcome one that betrayed her own clan and blood. Thankfully the little midget had disappeared again shortly after, and Halo genuinely hoped that was the last she had seen of that relative. ”Right,” she smoothly ridiculed, voice falsely coated with sugar. ”I hear similar stories from the rest of you lot that come and go as you please. I don’t understand why Gabriel always takes you back.” They had lost their honour and their right to carry their proud surname. The Lykois were supposed to be strong and brave, but there were worms wriggling around in the mud, dragging the name and reputation down so that it got ruined.

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