[Joining] Morning Songs
Hey, welcome to 'Souls! ^___^

If she hadn't already been around the border area she wouldn't have turned toward the howl at all. Ember grumbled to herself as she switched directions to head in the direction of the vocal display that had split through the peaceful air around her, a frown upon her muzzle. This wasn't something that she really thought she should be doing, greeting; it was awkward to her. She had once been a leader in the tribe alongside Dawali...how would it be to look upon a would-be tribesmember and not be able to accept them? To have to howl for him and wait for his approval?

The dark female had fallen from grace when she had become pregnant, leaving her post as a leader to try and protect the pups within. She hadn't wanted to put them in danger. But now the whelps were dead, anyway...still, Ember had not requested her post back. She didn't want to beg Dawali or face any questions about the deaths of her children. They had died under rather...unusual circumstances, after all.

Ember's frown deepened as she reached the newcomer, stopping a few yards from the other beast. The un-shifted female's fur bristled and she showed subtle warnings; she was a warrior in the tribe and would protect it if she needed to. Her lip raised slightly to show one canine, tail held at a somewhat high level to show her status. She cleared her throat before speaking, her raspy voice short and to the point. "State your business here, stranger. I'm Ember Phoenix, a member of the tribe that owns these lands"


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