[Joining] Morning Songs
Thanksies! Smile

The femme watched as a wolf approached from afar, dark fur covering a body just lithe enough to suggest femininity. As the wolfess came ever closer, she took note of the deep frown and unfriendly air about her being, and Gyspy mentally prepared. She glanced down once more, making certain of it... Nope, she hadn't put one paw past the scent markers. She ducked her head, body still held up, but tail lowered to tuck up against her legs. Ears stood at half-mast, and her eyes stayed focused on the other femme's paws. In all, she showed that she held herself with respect, and was accustomed to attention and respect likewise; but just lowered enough to prove she knew how to be submissive and wasn't trying to be a threat. She knew that when being greeted as a 'joiner', that she should show more respect and submissiveness, and so she added a soft whining lilt at the end of her next spoken words.

"I am Gypsy, and I am looking for a pack to join. I was hoping that this might be the place I could do so?" She kept her words soft and gentle, and didn't move her position. Not one hair moved, but nor was she tense and looking like she was about to start a fight. Too quick of movements, or too loud and abrasive words would be considered a threat; but so would stiff unmoving. She swished her tail gently, letting it stir the plants positioned beneath her feet.

She shifted a paw, and her bracelets jangled, too loudly for the silence that had fallen for a few seconds. She stilled herself, and kept her pose respectable. She wanted a good first impression.


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