[Joining] Morning Songs

The other wolf was standing quite still, and Ember observed her behavior and noted it. She was showing good posture, her question simple and to the point as well. The obvious lack of a visible threat would have made Ember melt and begin chattering away at the newcomer in the past, but she had learned that sometimes things weren't what they seemed when it came to wolf behavior. Because of that one experience, she would always think twice before letting her guard down around a stranger.

"It is. I believe Dawali is accepting members. But what would a wolf like you have to offer the AniWayan tribe?" She asked, pale green eyes trained on Gypsy. A season ago, this might have been a better encounter. A nice beginning to a friendship, even. She had changed a lot in her ways over the last few months. The pierced wolf relaxed her posture ever-so-slightly as she awaited a response, gaze sharp.


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