[Joining] Morning Songs
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Sensing the change in conversation, Gypsy let herself relax a little more. She kept her gaze lowered to the other wolf's paws, but lowered her rear and sat down. She had been traveling a long time, and suddenly the exhaustion seemed to have overcome her. Her bracelets jangled even louder as she sat, but she ignored them. "It is. I believe Dawali is accepting members. But what would a wolf like you have to offer the AniWayan tribe?" Gypsy tipped her red-brown head to the side slightly, thoughtfully wondering how she should answer. This wolfess was asking for her skills, not her weaknesses. That was good. Mentioning she sucked at hunting would probably not help her get into this pack. Or tribe as she called it.

Continuing to gather her thoughts, she started speaking, slowly. Her voice was a thoughtful lull, but it didn't expose it's true talent just yet. "I have been a traveler for my entire life. When one travels, one gains much knowledge. My family was also entertainers, so I have skills many do not. I can sing, I can compose writings. I have learned to read and write, and I have learned a few other things. Like how to make a South American trap, or an African spear. I know a few medicinal and herbal healings, and a few things besides that. And I have some pretty amazing stories to inspire hope, fear, sorrow, or whatever I wish to so inspire in any pup, wolf, or elder." She didn't know what this pack was looking for, so she thought she'd just give what she had, and see if her cards played true and straight.

She flicked her ear as a fly buzzed around it, and felt the morning sun settling through her fur. A once pleasant feeling, but sitting here much longer would cause the summer sun to burn her deep red fur. She looked at the other wolf, avoiding her eyes, and took in her sleek build, and dark fur. How could she stand this sun for much longer, she didn't know. A cloud passed in front of the sun, and caused momentary relief, however, and Gypsy sighed and settled back down.


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