M - omnipresent knife in my back


It would come to her surprise (and her initial misunderstanding) that it was her grandmother once again who did the tattoo art on his upper arm. Her crimson eyes would give it another once over, admiring the perfect detailing and how all the angles and the curves were on point like it had been something of a famous masterpiece of work. "Oh, my grandmother did that one too? Wow... that's just... amazing." Was what Talitha said then, further promising herself that she would have to go visit her grandmother again and ask her about her artistry. Lucky for Inferni that there was more than one tattoo artist, for it seemed like they were few and far between. For all the places that Talitha previously traveled, the tattoo artists who were not as decent as the artists of her grandmother or Cotl required a lot of trade, money, or artifacts to be given if your tattoo wanted to be at least decent. Good thing it (somewhat) ran in the family, and within members as well.

The hybrid was willing for him to give her the dream of finally etching the Chaos Star tattoo upon her hip. She was unaware that it might have been tradition amongst the Lykoi to have the Chaos Star tattooed on by another blood relative of the Lykois, but then again Talitha held faith in Cotl's skills, and why not break the tradition anyway? How much would it truly hurt the Lykoi name in the long run? A tattoo was a tattoo to Talitha, even though each held every significant meaning and symbolism to it, for some reason she just wanted Cotl to do her first. It seemed like the man before her was immensely pleased for herself to have chosen him, and of course she herself was happy to be in the presence of a long practicing tattoo artist.

His work would come with trade of something of equal value, something that Talitha knew he would already begin negotiating with. Drugs, alcohol, art supplies, pelts... those were all things reasonable enough to trade, but unfortunately Talitha had none of the such. All the times she left, there was nothing meaningful for her to gather and keep for future trade. Alcohol of course was expendable, and would instantly be drank all by her anyways. Well, she did have some alcohol, but it wasn't enough to be in good stock where she would feel comfortable on giving away a few bottles and still be leftover with some for herself. For a moment she began to feel rather discouraged that she had nothing to give, but something of a very random thought cross her mind, and made her own little wicked smile cross upon her lips.

Kind of a long shot with this plan she suddenly thought of, but she had an idea that just might work. Fluidly lifting to her full height, the hybrid towered above the German male (for she was over six foot), and she came rather close to him, outreaching to grab a lock of his black hair, and twirl it around her index finger. "I barely have anything materialistic to trade save for a bottle of whiskey, but does the trade have to necessarily be material?" Talitha said, raising her eyebrow, and biting her lower lip as her grin turned into a very mischevious smirk. With a look like that, it was fairly obvious to what she was implying for, and any male would be an idiot of themselves if they didn't pick up what she was trying to convey.


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