Bringing Home Blitzen

3+ Table by Lou!

This boy was... odd, to say the least. It was now that she also noticed there was a second tail tied to his tail, a detail she seemingly missed the first time around, and thought that was rather strange to see. Everyone had their own pace of experience with learning and doing things, so at least she felt somewhat good inside to being able to make a difference in somebody's life, whether the difference was insignificant and helping out someone catch a pet such as this albino reindeer. Actually, it made her feel really good in this moment. Her self-esteem was damaged, and her darker subconscious that was responsible for it would laugh at her efforts for helping out this boy and his white reindeer, but for once she was able to tune out that laughing and smile. Yes, Talitha Lykoi was doing good service for the benefit of Inferni, and couldn't wait to share the news with Gabriel once they traveled back to their territory (and have the boy share his new pet of a white reindeer to bring back).

It seemed like he was previously conflicted by what she meant, taking the statement of keeping his eye on the reindeer literally, but she was quick enough to return in order to not discover the boy gouging out an eyeball to place on the albino's head. Having placed the berries down, the boy was questionable about the berries as he sniffed it out for himself. Talitha only nodded silently, smiling lightly as the boy took her word for it and then proceeded to approach the baby albino to offer it some treats. Talitha lingered back where they were originally at, not wanting to scare the baby away due to the fact that she was in her lupus form, and maybe the sight of a four legged hybrid would startle the albino away. She watched from her distance as the albino was rather curious of what the boy held out to it, and it instantly began grazing away at the berries from his hand.

Talitha's grin broadened (she couldn't believe she was actually smiling at something like this) when the boy expressed the albino was very accepting of the berries he offered. "I can see that, that's great!" Talitha expressed, still keeping herself half hidden in the foliage. "Give it some more to eat there. Then, we'll have to make it follow us back to Inferni if it wants more berries to eat." Maybe coaxing the albino to come back with them with berries would be the best plan, or if the boy could pick it up in his arms (and the albino would allow him to do so), or if Talitha would be able to carry it, either way would work. It might be best for her to shift into Optime at this point, but kept watching to see how comfortable the albino was willing to get with the boy.

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