From the Morning springs New Life

ooc goodnesssss

Heath was there, his arm around her shoulders, supporting her as best he could through her labor pains, which only seemed to get worse as the labor progressed. Salmon hued tongue hung out of her mouth for a moment as she tried to catch her breathe. She had been in labor for less than an hour and already she was feeling fatigued. The next person to arrive was none other than Alaine, the healer's accented voice bringing a great deal of relief to the laboring mother. The gleeful, soothing tone of the Apothecary did a great deal to ease Ruri's concerns. According to Alaine, she was doing fine, which meant that the pain was normal. That was sort of good. At least she knew that the pain wasn't from some harmful thing. Her mouth opened to return the healer's greeting only to immediately clench shut as the biggest contraction thus far rocked her form. Her pale blue, useless eyes shut tightly as her body tensed of its own accord a wave of pain coursing through her from her very core. The contraction lasted for several seconds before it finally died down, and with its release came a deep sigh of relief. She did not pretend that she was anywhere near done, but she certainly hoped that the next one would not be as bad as that. "Good to hear your voice...Alaine," she panted, before leaning her head back to rest against her mate's strong arm, her back pressed against the couch.

The entrance of two more of her friends, the Knight and his Princess was certainly noted by the lautari, and she managed to turn her head towards the door and smile, in a brief expression of greeting before turning back to the task at hand. Soft-furred fingers felt her mate's hand, holding hers and she couldn't help but squeeze it with her weak grip, not wanting him to go anywhere. She just needed him there. That was the help she needed from her beloved mate. He could not help her get the pups out of her womb and she certainly would never wish for him to take her place. This sort of pain was something that she would not wish on anyone, even if the end result was so wonderful. That was what she had to focus on, the chance to meet her pups for the first time, to touch and kiss them and lavish them with undying affection. That was the reward of a mother in labor.

The space between contractions gradually shortened over the next few minutes, and with their increase, came more pain and discomfort. However, perhaps she was close to getting to meet her first pup. She didn't feel the urge to push yet, and from what she had been told in the past by other mothers her instincts would kick in when she felt it. Was she doing this right? She wasn't really sure how she could mess up such a thing as the birth of her children, but still she couldn't help but worry. Alaine would know, though. That's why she was the healer. The Dauphine would just have to wait on her friend's advice, though it certainly was not easy.

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