[M] I can only tell you what it feels like

I was really tired, so I hope this post makes sense x.x

She had struggled to understand why their day together had ended so terribly when the rest of the day had been something truly special to the golden woman. Especially the too brief a moment before he had left. Unable to understand what had caused him to leave all of a sudden when she had not resist his efforts. Though there had certainly been a bit of surprise to it all. Days had turned to weeks and when she had still not seen him she began to assume that surely there was someone else. It seemed the most logical explanation as to why he had left after kissing her and stayed away. At the very least she thought it must be obvious that she was not what his heart desired. It was for the reason that she had to ask for clarity.

He gave her hand a gentle squeeze. The first signs of a smile finally started to show on her face. She had spent so much time worrying about why he had left that she didn't realize how much she had actually missed him. How she had longed for the return of his touch. It had been painful to think that she might not ever know it again. She was glad she was wrong. Things becoming even clearer for her has he placed a kiss on the back of her hand. His words brought her closer to him. The small gap between them reduced to hardly anything at all.

When he looked away her hand came up gently stroking the cheek turned away from her before turning his muzzle to bring his eyes back to her. She didn't have the words to express herself. A lot could be said with out words though. Her hand still at his chin, she kissed him softly. "I never said I wanted a fighter..."

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