Meeting the Allied

WC: 374 {3 points, 1 point for Word of the Day}

Denali seemed glad to see Layla coming back to play with him one last time, or was it perhaps he was happy to see an adult acting as if she were his age? Either way, the mistress was happy to see the young pup continue to keep a smile on his face. As the she wolf trotted back over to the pup, she formed an agog look on her face. She was full of excitement, like any other pup would be. As the she wolf looked back the way she came. She could see her paw prints being washed away by the tide.

Her gaze moved back to the pup as he asked what they could make in the sand. Obviously all the pup could do was make was drawings because he was too young to shift. Although shifting so many times in one day was a bit tiring, she wanted to let the pup have as much fun as he could. There was the possibility of building sculptures with the sand. She wagged her tail a bit as she began to shift back into her optime form. It took quite a bit of energy for the mistress to shift back, but now she was back in her normal and preferred form. She didn’t bother with putting her clothes back on until she was ready to head back home. She then turned her attention back to the pup and smirked. ”Let me show you a little trick Denali. All you need is a little wet sand.”

Once the tide had gone back a bit, Layla began to dig a small hole near her leg. It was in the middle area of the sand where it wasn’t too wet and it wasn’t too dry either. Once she had hit the wet part of the hole, she began to scoop it out and make what at first looked like a hardened mountain of sand. Once the mistress felt it was big enough, she began to edit it with one of her claws. It took a couple of minutes to get it all right, but it looked great when she was done. It turned from a mountain to a lizard. ”Look Denali, it’s a rare sand lizard!”

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