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Sure thing! Reply if you want, or pm me if you don't want to. XP
Wc: 430~

As a pup herself, Ghita had never had the same amount of cheerful naivete that Denali was showing now. Of course, she was a relatively happy, inquisitive pup with a knack for trouble just the same, but without the support base of two loving parents and a pack, the Italian bastard fae had never cherished that over-enthusiasm until later life. And she hadn't missed it terribly - she still held enough confidence for three wolves without the reassurance that her parents would catch her if she stumbled. But the truth was, she had never thought about missing that fatherly relationship until now.

Puppies were strange creatures, it could seem. One minute they were off chasing frogs and lizards, insisting the world was completely grey, while the next they could stare up at her with all of the wisdom in the world. To Ghita, there was nothing more precious than a child's learning experience as it grew up - every action done to the young life would have a reaction that could carry on into later life. And as a mother, Ghita saw this every day, hoping to instill good values and wisdom into her own children.

Smiling down at Denali now, her heart was warmed when he received her praise so happily. Unable to keep herself from grinning from ear to ear, the tip of her tail began to wag in the contagious joy. "You're very welcome, Denali! I could even show you some pointers on hunting if you wanted, later on. But for now I'm sure that the frogs and lizards have a good right to be scared!" There would be a time for Ghita to start training a new Courser for when she got old and slow. There would be a time for her to retire and quit chasing after the prey that roamed on their territory. But that time was not now - and wouldn't come in the foreseeable future. For Ghita's spirit had been strong through and through, and it would keep her going until her body failed her completely.

The sun was beginning to set in it's slow, melancholy way, clinging to the world as if it didn't want to miss any of the day's activities as it slowly moved into a night-time routine. Realizing she had spent the day chasing lizards and amphibians with her young friend, the fae slowly moved into a stretch, letting the orange and pink light hit her silver-tipped fur gently, causing her piercings to shine. "We should probably head back to the Manor now, Denali. It's almost night time."


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