Running Numb
<style type="text/css">#savina{width:400px; background-color:#050b2a; background-image:url( ... ina1-2.png); background-position:top; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding:none; margin:auto; border:1px solid #000000;}#savina p{color:#367697; font-family:arial, tahoma, verdana, sans-serif; line-height:14px; text-indent:20px; margin-bottom:-10px;}#savina b{color:#69afc2;}#savina i{color:#69afc2; float:right;}</style>

Hello! For future reference, you can always edit your posts once they've been made if you click "edit" at the bottom of the post Smile Also the weather follows the actual current weather in Nova Scotia for the moment, which is still in the 50 degree range, so there would be no snow. You also might want to run your posts through a word processor to catch spelling errors and missing capitalization ^^ 300+

The Commander had found an old rocking chair up in one of the unused rooms of the mansion and had carried it down the stairs and out to the front porch with some effort. Fall had just begun, but she knew that she couldn't count on the temperatures staying pleasant for long, at least not for her Mediterranean taste. Soon the slight chill in the air would become more than just a chill and it would be wholly unpleasant to be out in the open. Savina wanted to soak up as much as the nice weather as she could while continuing with her little project to knit scarves for her children to keep them warm in the frigid months. Knitting was difficult, but was becoming easier each time she picked up the needles and yarn. Hopefully she would become competent enough to knit things for the pack's other children as well.

A howl sounded in the air and the knitting needles paused in her hands. The voice wasn't familiar which meant it was likely someone from another pack seeking an audience or someone seeking a home. With a soft sigh Savina rose and carefully set her project down on the seat of the chair. She had hoped she wouldn't be interrupted, but such was the life of a leader. The raven colored fey left the manor behind her and made her way to the borders where the call had originated. It didn't take long to track the female down and as she approached her usual soft smile morphed her features. Despite her kind expression, her tail was held high even in her optime form to display her rank to the newcomer. "You have reached the lands that belong to Crimson Dreams, and I am its Commander Savina Marino. Is there something I can help you with?" she asked evenly.


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