Paw [P]rints in the Sand

OOC here: Table & Coding © Sie; It is fine hun, it happens to us all; 304 words

There were others that spoke the language. They were just few and far in between. His whole family spoke it. It was their native tongue. Though other than them there was only one other that he had come across that could understand it even though she hadn't spoken it. It was a female in Inferni. So it seemed that all of those that had a knowledge of German and lived in Canada also lived in Inferni. That meant that there was five, including himself, that knew his language. And with the way that he was almost always trying German first then those that he met have at least heard the language even if they didn't understand it. And with as many times as he was told that whomever he was speaking to didn't understand it still didn't stop him from trying.

The coyote boy nodded his head to say that he understood. It took him a moment to search his mind for the words but he ended up translating what he said after a pause. "Yous looks funnys. Wha wrongs wit yous?" His English was broken as he tried to work through his accent in order to get the words out and make them understandable. The child felt that he had done a pretty good job at it.

Head took on a bit of a tilt as he stared at the other. He was trying to figure out why, what he assumed was another coyote, was deformed. The tail was so thin and the ears were small. Actually the other male was small all together. To him it was strange. He didn't have the knowledge of other creatures. He just assumed everyone was a coyote and that they could walk on two legs. So he simply thought that Element might be ill or something.

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