[Joining] Morning Songs

Sounds good to me!

The femme wolf tipped her head, listening. She nodded, agreeing that she could wait for her official rank to be decided. “That's fine with me. I will be happy to finally have a home.” She smiled happily, proving her point, as she thought about what this meant. A home. Not wandering, no matter how fun that was, she had always wanted to settle down. Now she could, finally.

The talk of a spirit guide interested her. She made a quick mental note to look into that later, but for now the offer to show her around interested her even more. She wanted to see her new home, meet her new pack, and find somewhere she could rest as well, hopefully. She was tired. She had spent the last three years traveling, so she had a right to be tired! No sooner then she was born, and they were on the move again. Even the thought of traveling exhausted her. But for now she would be fine, she wished to see the AniWaya tribal lands.

“Alright. Thank you.” She smiled again, and took a step forward, ready to follow the black wolf into her new home.

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