Running Numb
Oh really that's really cool I'll look into that! thanks ^_^
The other wolf stayed in her other form which made Kaylee wonder if she was threatening her, which was very doubtful since she had such a laid back personality. But its not like the other wolf knew that. When she was asked what she could contribute to the pack that made her think, it had been a very long time since she had been in a pack. She was great with pups, good with hunting and tracking and the basics you'd need to survive. Also she could read, but she didn't think the wolf could be interested in that kind of stuff.

"Um well I can hunt, and watch over pups, and I can read....but not much though I mean i can really only read a few paragraphs my pack taught" Oh great she was babbling, defiantly not a good thing to do on first impression. Her ears tilted back even more in embarrassment "A-and I'm pretty good at tracking, I mean I can track for day if need be...but you probably have trackers in your pack that are better than me heh.."

the commanders curious gaze were really making Kaylee nervous, she twitched a little and gave what was to be a reassuring smile to the other wolf but the smile felt forced so she let it drop off of her face and looked back down.This did not seem to be going well, though the other wolf looked at perfect ease.

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