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I'll go ask for you to be titled and you can start posting!

She knew that their difference in forms could probably come off as a little intimidating, so she did her best to make all her body language calm and open without completely letting down that sense of authority. Respect was important, but Savina had no interest in scaring anyone who was kind and just looking for a home. The Commander could be quite a force to reckon with when someone roused her anger, but that only happened at grave offenses and Kaylee had done absolutely nothing wrong. She was showing all due respect and her speech was polite.

The Italian fey listened with interest as the newcomer listed off the skills that she possessed that could be of use to a pack. They were more than satisfactory, especially about her being good with pups. Crimson Dreams was almost never lacking in pups, and at the moment that had more than just a few small paws running about. "All of those skills could be of good use. We are a large pack and have many mouths to feed, including many young pups. With winter on its way we can use as much food as can be gotten." Their food stores were in a good shape as of now, but it hardly hurt to be over prepared.

"Well Kaylee, I don't see any reason why you shouldn't be allowed into the pack. Welcome to Crimson Dreams. You'll start out at the rank of Basic Officer," she said with a broadening smile. "Most of us live in the mansion that isn't too far from here, but you're welcome to set up a den wherever you wish in the territory." Savina couldn't guess what the girl's preference was and she didn't mind either way.


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