A time for greater things

Time was an errie thing, sometimes it seemed to crawl by at a snail's

pace, much like this day had, and at other times it seemed to fly by,

gone before you knew it and it always seemed that those moments

were the happiest ones. Haven spoke of family matters and Anann

was sure she could guess at what the good might be, thought not the

ill. A broad grin across her maw as she thought back to the day that

she had taken Rem to Crimson Dreams to see the Lt. General's new

litter. "That right! Congratulations on your new three little

brother's, Big brother Haven!"
Anann had grown a great respect

for the tawny woman, with her quiet ways and blue eyes that seemed

filled with knowledge and understanding of the world around her.

"Your mother is quite the woman."

Anann would not hand over her swords for the inspection of just

anyone. She felt there was no harm in letting her pack mate take a look at them, figuring he would appreciate it as well. "Thank you, they have served me quite well thus far." Putting them away and placing them aside, as Haven drew his own blade. Vowkeeper was a bit heftier than her own blades she noted as she carefully took it from his hands. While it had a foreign feel in her hands, it's weight still had a nice feel. "Finely crafted blade, has a good feel in the hands." Every well crafted blade had it's own beauty. She offered his sword back to him in the same manner as it had been offered to her.

Introductions, of sorts, over and swords of steel safely tucked away Anann grabbed up her wooden sabers, keeping one in had she stuck in the other in the ground were it would be easily accessible at any time. "Since we are both a bit on the rusty side I guess we will stick with what we know for now, though I'll stick with one blade for now." Though at some point she would be more than willing to wield one of the wooden swords Haven had brought with him, carved in the fashion of his Vowkeeper. Having little knowledge of the Knight's techniques or level of skill they would take things slow at first, letting each other learn the other's style. A wide grin on maw she took a defensive stance, sword held in her right hand. "Ready?"

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