smoke on the breeze.


By turning her head, Silas was no longer permitted to look down upon her chartreuse yellow eyes. Instead, pale eyes subconsciously studied her darkened fur, catching the subtle tones of auburn as the sunlight coaxed the red from its natural onyx. His mind, however, was turning over the words the woman had spoken to him. He couldn’t believe someone of her own family could be this cruel; it was obvious she had been caused much pain. He became aware of his hands, which had involuntarily clenched into fists, and he felt some sense of responsibility to pursue the matter further. It was obvious that this woman wasn’t satisfied with whatever it was that Gabriel had done to “sort it out”, so the Vigiles assumed that perhaps he could help.

Taking a few steps closer, circling around her some, Silas crouched down to the earth while his pale eyes swept towards her own face once more. "Your family did zhis to you?" His voice was gentle, as if speaking about it too loudly might bring about more pain. Now that he was closer to her and his gaze was at a similar level to hers, Silas could easily trace the swollen injuries that dominated her face. The more he studied her, the more he was angered. "How cruel," he muttered under his breath, pale eyes falling from her face for a moment to again take in the sight of the peculiar little doll. Now that he was looking at it again, he realized vaguely that it reminded him of the Inferni princess; the same family member who had brought about such painful throbbing to the woman situated in front of him. "Eef you vant me to do somezhing about eet..." his voice trailed away. Though he didn’t provide exactly what he planned to do to the perpetrator, Silas figured Eris would still understand the place his words were leading them. He brought his gaze to find hers and a slight, lopsided smile found his muzzle. He had promised himself he’d do his best to protect his clan, his family.

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