The birds and the BEES!

Her lanky legs carried her, and although she did not move at full speed she was swifter than most and certainly faster than Gideon. Whipping her head back she could see the boy coming up behind her slowly, her shorter legs struggling to keep pace, let alone over run her. Slowing a bit she turned forward again, tongue lolling out of her mouth and heart beating strong. This was really all that life was about, there wasn’t anything better than this.

The yelp made her stop and turn tail, rushing to Gideon’s side faster than she had run away from it. As when he had been nosing about the bees her heart seized in a manner she was unaccustomed to. Fear was a foreign feeling when it came to her own actions, but Gideon’s being was far more precious. The idea that her actions had indirectly caused him any pain churned her stomach. Yet, it was only a tumble… but the boy was crying and Nayru instantly regretted her decision to spur him into a game of chase.

Reaching him Nayru bent down her head, shoving her wet nose into his soft fur. "Gideon? You okay?"


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