The Honeymoon is Over

530-Had to fight the muse monster

A smile formed across his lips as his arms wrapped across her stomach. The bulge there was a little obvious but he still wasn’t able to put two and two together about how she could have gained weight so quickly. But still he didn’t seem to mind as he patted the little pouch on her stomach. His love was interested in the sword drawing on his desk. Laying his head on her shoulder he thought quietly about how he would tell her. Firstly he’d wanted to just make it and give it to her that way, but now he couldn’t afford that luxury. The behemoth gave her a lick across her check in a loving fashion before speaking.

“That’s yours” was all he said in reply. Knowing she’d be skeptical at first, almost wondering if she’d think him just simply trying to lie to her to make her feel better. If she looked close enough the tattoo on her back would be engraved across the blade. “I’ve just never attempted a curved blade sword, so I’m anxious”, again his claws brushed against her slightly swollen belly, again making him consider her weird mood swings, sickness and weight gain. He pushed it from his mind for the time being. Wanting to see how she reacted to this development. He’d honestly spent most of the day looking over the design, almost wanting it to be too perfect for her.

Saluce let himself breathe in a deep inhale of his mates scent, taking note of the change in it almost immediately. When they had romped around on their little night time picnic her scent was much different. Now it was sultry as it once had but it no longer held the same power it had that night. The pieces were beginning to be put together; Saluce was letting his mind think on everything. Had she been in season then? Surely she couldn’t have, wouldn’t he have noticed?! It was an inconceivable idea, but if she was, then that soft bit of weight she had gained, the morning sickness, Her mood swings would explain how she had been acting. It however did not explain his actions and as his form nervously twitched under her with the epiphany he was having, he second guessed himself. She wanted to be a healer, surely she would know the signs of pregnancy. Unless she was hiding it from him, waiting to run away to another land, either in shame or in some maligned form of punishment for his previous sins. Finally he just couldn’t stand it anymore.

“Layla, did you miss the signs of coming into” he struggled with the word, knowing it wasn’t an acceptable way to describe a females actions, since they after all had no choice in the matter. “Uh heat?” he said in a nervous fashion, his hands still holding her tight around the waist, specifically her stomach.

“Because I think we missed something, and I think I have an idea why you’ve been sick” Saluce wasn’t going to come out and say it, he wanted her to think on it as well. Maybe she would reach the same conclusion.

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