There is Life in every breath

my life needs to calm the eff down D: 300+

She did not expect him to return the bow that she had made. He was the leader of this land and it was not his place to bow to her on this soil. If their situations had been switched, and it were he in Japan and her in her rightful place, it would have been a much difference exchange. Tsukiko was able to make this differentiation though, difficult as it sometimes was to smother the pride that had been her birthright. The time on the ship had been a good transitional period for her. Much respect had still been given to her, but the men were sailors and were not in the habit of having nobility aboard their ship. The moon child had been allowed to ease herself into this complete reverse of her normal station in life.

Something about Conor seemed to change subtly as he saw Setsuna make herself known to their conversation. This intrigued her and for a moment she worried he had some aversion to her cat friend, but he soon recovered and spoke to her as Tsukiko had hoped that her friend would be spoken to. Setsuna, for her part, was impressed with the man's manners towards her and flicked her tail as her head nodded up at him. "No need, I had hid myself so as not to interrupt. I thank you." The interaction between Conor and her dear friend only served to heighten her sense of contentment. Setsuna would not have needed to come with her, she had no obligation outside of what she felt herself that she owed to Tsukiko's parents, and the girl would have felt awfully if she were not treated well here. This reaction gave her hope that they would both be as comfortable as could be expected in so foriegn a land.

As they entered his house more fully, he turned and made an offer to her that made her brighten even more visibly. "Oh, very interested, yes!" They drank tea here too? How wonderful! She had managed to stuff a tea pot, cups, and some of her own country's tea into her things, but she was interested to see how they brewed it here and if the flavors were different. Surely they would be, to some degree. Maybe, once she was more established here, she could offer Conor some of the tea she had brought with her from home.

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