[Joining] Morning Songs

She made a straight line for the village, nose pointed in its direction, paws moving swiftly. She didn't want to run too quickly and tire the newcomer out (surely she had traveled a long way to get to AniWaya), but she wanted to make it there in decent time. The darkly colored wolfess turned her head to the side to look at Gypsy with one pale eye. "You've been in a pack before, right? Or did you just travel alone all this time?" She asked. Might as well make some sort of an effort at conversation.

The village came out of the trees before they had walked for too terribly long, and she stopped at the end of the street. The wolf would have a few choices. Ember had started out in a rustic den and had eventually chosen a house to live in...in fact they'd pass it soon if they kept walking...but houses were not to some wolves' taste. "We have a few homes that would be availiable...just need some cleanin' out. I have a house on this street. Or we've got some uh..caves and stuff too."


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