From the Morning springs New Life

Assuming there was some firewood inside already :o 300+

Just a moment after he and Princess arrived Vigilante came into the cabin as well. However the King saw how many had come to witness the birth and excused himself, Haven nodding to his question if they could update him on the happenings. The Seneschal almost felt the need to step outside as well, feeling that it might not really be his place to stay in the cabin for the birth. Everyone else in here was female, aside from Heath. Was it unusual for men to be present? Would it make Ruri uncomfortable for him to be in here? Before he could ponder it too much more though Alaine was telling them what she needed and Anann left to go fetch water. His jade eyes watched her leave before he came back to himself and the urgency of the moment. Giving Princess' hand one last squeeze he moved over to the fireplace.

Some wood was already inside so he arrange the logs in the hearth and stuck some of the drier twigs about for kindling. The Knight reached in the pocket of his jacket for the small pack of matches that he kept with him. One never knew when a fire would need to be built and the small chemical leaden sticks were much quicker than having to start a fire with friction alone. He struck the match and lit the twigs quickly before tucking the quickly burning thing into the heart of the logs. Soon enough a good flame was going and warming the room. Anann brought in the water and he tucked the container up close to the fire to warm them. Haven then quickly grabbed some of the rags and brought them over to the water. His eyes darted to Anann and Princess, hoping that maybe they would take the rags from the water to Alaine. He wanted to help, of course, but he was no midwife and it would be a lie if he said he was perfectly comfortable in this situation.

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