What you even care
http://img512.imageshack.us/img512/2166/ghitattm9.png); background-position:top; background-repeat:no-repeat;">

Wc: 272~

Wincing, the timber fae cringed slightly as her meeting with the wolfess was brought to the surface immediately, without any preamble whatsoever. Granted, Flayra didn't know Ghita all that well, so she couldn't have possibly known how much her pride suffered with those few simple words. Ears flicking back slightly, she forced a reminiscent grin, turquoise optics darkening even as she tried to contain her emotions.

The last time Flayra and her had been together, they had attempted a hunt with a particularly strong deer, one that had connected a kick into her chest and shoulder. The cut was deep but short, luckily, and thanks to Cambria she healed up nicely, even without a scar, but the scar to her pride still remained. It had been one of the only times that she had failed as a huntress, and it was even more unfortunate that it was in front of a pack mate.

But no matter - her most recent injury had also just come to light, this time the fae was unable to conceal her bitterness. Old Red's collapse had happened some time ago, so perhaps it surprised some pack members that Ghita was still on the mend. Frankly, it still rankled her that she wasn't fully healed. Taking a deep, hissing breath of air, she let it out with a long sigh, almost watching her pride melt away from under her paws. "I was injured when Old Red collapsed trying to save my niece." She stated shortly and curtly, offering no more details to her companion. It was still a fresh wound, one that likely would remain so for years.


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