Fun in the Moon
WC: 390 {3points}

Layla was enjoying every moment being with the behemoth and wished it could last forever. His gentle arms wrapped around her body as she moved her head down and laid it down on his chest. It was so warm and the blanket covering their bodies only made it feel warmer. As much as she wanted to stay here all night, she knew it was uncomfortable for Saluce to keep laying on the hard rock; it was probably cold too. The mistress moved her figure off her mate and sat at his side. The cool rock caused her to jump a bit. The she wolf couldn’t wait until they returned home and cuddled up in bed together. Her head moved back to her love as he scratched behind her ears. It was a wonderful feeling and didn’t feel at all like a pet. She raised her head and tapped one of her back feet as he continued.

As he asked if she was ready to go home, she lowered her head against his and nuzzled him gently. ”Yes love. Let’s head back. It’s getting colder out here.” The mistress could feel his claws along his back and smirked happily. Just being with Saluce set her heart in a flutter. There was no one else in the world she would rather spend the rest of her life with. One day she would stand beside him, watching their children playing in the yard, and enjoying life. The she wolf broke from her fantasy as she felt his hands move hear her tail. She moved her tail away and smirked playfully. ”Now now Saluce, we both know how bad you are but stay away from there with your hands.”

Layla couldn’t help but giggle at Saluce’s comment to making the moon blush and about her scent being so sweet. She was beginning to feel more tired as he continued to try and go for her. She moved out from under the blanket and began to pack her things the best she could. ”Come on love. I’m getting a bit tired. I think it’s time we head home.” She gave it out in a soft tune and moved over to the dying fire. ”What shall we do with the fire love? It’s still burning and we can’t just leave it here…”


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