Just had to wander home

That was a very good post Big Grin <3 It's nice to meet you (though we've spoken in PMs already!) and I hope you'll have fun roleplaying here at 'Souls. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask!

Drey’s voice was recognized as it rung over the Dahlian lands, and so the alpha swiftly replied by tossing his muzzle towards the quickly darkening sky to announce that he was on his way. The trek from Wolfville and to the borders was longer than it could have been, but the Soul male had been about to retire for the evening. Those plans would have to be put on hold for now. He was curious as to what exactly the dark Stormbringer male was up to. He seemed to have a soul that could not easily be chained to a place. The caramel hued male could understand this, but he honestly disliked this kind of behaviour when there were children involved. Well, truth be told the Stormbringer puppies were not that small anymore, but it would no doubt create conflict within their hearts if their sire came back only to disappear again.

Although the adult travelled swiftly on all fours, it took a good half of an hour before he reached the outskirts of the lands and started to search for the presence waiting by the borders. In the end he found no Drey, but he found another face that he had not seen in a while. ”Ascher!” the young Alpha called out in mild surprise as he killed off the last distance between himself and the boy. ”It’s good to see you—where is your father?” The boy seemed to be on his own, and if Drey used Dahlia as a place to dump his kids, Conor would not look at him with approval the next time they were to meet.

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Table by Siekone

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