Distinctions of curiousity

OOC here!

Shawchert was by far not adept at the guitar at all but just playing all the cords at once made him feel at home. He smiled proud at the sounds that came from the guitar. Glad he could make it into a beautiful instrument once again. Then he heard a voice and his head shot up, he’d been so obsorbed in the sound the guitar he was tuning he hadn’t heard anyone come near him. He then smiled, less alarmed than normal. She was a fair furred creature, not much to her that he could distinguish other than the fur was a tapering color all over her body and it did so in such a way she looked like a whisp of a light brown cloud sitting in the dusty old store. That and she was quite a short little thing.

Good day, beautiful day for a little music don’t you think?

He asked, setting the guitar in his lap, he wanted to make her feel comfortable so he did not rise, he knew his massive size was quite intimidating to normal sized luperci, he could imagine how it would be like for the shorter ones. He dipped his head in a bow as he said

My name is Shawchert,

He did not ask her name, but he was sure he’d get it eventually, for now he wanted to make her comfortable, he was that type of wolf, where he would go out of his way just to help a stranger no matter how big the task.

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