effects of a wild man

OOC: The thread was slightly hard to grasp onto and reply to sorry ; ; I tried to make it work to our advantage ^^. Small tip, and not trying to be rude, make sure there is an opening for the other character to respond to so they don’t have to scramble for words Big Grin.

Shaw was deep in thought and did not actually see the bear, he didn’t even notice the big thing was so near him… not until he heard the moan up distress and then the smell of the fear from the bear. He stopped playing his flute at once. A scared bear was not one to be near and he was smart enough to know that. What he didn’t know was the closeness of the bear itself, when it sat he felt no tremble but just heard the thump of a very intimidated animal. Shawchert didn’t move, didn’t even try to say anything, maybe if he was quiet he’d be unnoticed. He’d been taught to be smart enough to leave a bear alone no matter what especially one in distress. Though it seemed there was something quite odd about this animal. She seemed… not like other bears, most wouldn’t bother with old human habitats and even more wouldn’t just sit and stare. Maybe she thought she was in the middle of the city, when in fact all she had to do was turn and find the forests and fields right behind her, should he tell her, would she understand him? Or would she turn her fear and uneasiness on him. He’d many questions and the only way he’d find out if they would be answered was to actually do something. He was tall for his size, but he could not take on a full grown bear. He brought up his courage.

Everything is all ok, turn around and you will see the forests.

He said apprehensively, in a very kind and calm voice, he knew if he’d shown his own fear things would go awry, and reacting in a way that was calm and happy might just save his own hide so that he could actually live to see those pups he had thought about.

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