Just had to wander home

XD 300+

The boy had grown since the last time he had seen him. Face tilted ever so slightly to the side as lavender eyes investigated the young Stormbringer. Bris and Gideon would be overjoyed to see their sibling and nephew again. Conor was not less comforted by the boy’s reappearance, but the two were not bound by blood. White tipped tail waved behind his masculine form and he watched the youth’s yawn with a tranquil smile placed upon his lips. It was late and they both felt it. The boy had most likely spent the day traveling and the Alpha’s days were always full of things that had to be done. Shadows lingered under the young man’s eyes, though he did not know what it was that allowed the body to sink down into such exhaustion. Perhaps it was all about mentality, but at the moment Conor wallowed only in contentment, so he found no cause for his condition, and therefore no cure.

A nod was given as the young boy before him explained the situation. A caramel hued ear twisted to lean backwards to his cinnamon skull. The others? The Dahlian had hoped and believed that Saul and Shiloh were with their father as well, but Ascher seemed to be on his own. ”Was it only your father and you?” he asked softly, the smile withdrawing to make room for a more somber expression to fit the touch of seriousness in the conversation. Bris would worry sick, as Conor, when she found out that two of the children continued to be lost. At least Ascher seemed to be all right and was back, and that was what mattered right here and now. ”I’m not mad,” the male then quickly explained, eager to stress this point so that the young wolf wouldn’t feel bad about this. ”I will have a little talk with your father though, when he returns,” the Dahlian Alpha added coyly, one corner of his mouth curling upwards almost mischievously.

Turning slightly to gaze towards the deep woods of Dahlia de Mai, the adult allowed a deep inhale to result in a wary sigh. The trip back to Wolfville would not be too swift, and so he thought they should head of straight away. Obviously, Ascher would return to the house with Gideon, Bris and Conor. ”Ready to go home?” He dearly hoped that Ascher could continue to see this place as home, even if his father would not be there.

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