effects of a wild man

OOC here!

Shaw’s interest peeked as the other wolf spoke, either she left on her own free will, or whoever she lived with kicked her out, just as his father kicked him out. But were bear colonies really called packs just like wolf packs? Or did his suspicions that this bear was actually raised in a wolf pack true? All the things she said had come together in her words he’d told her, she didn’t mention bears at all and yet she was a big one at that. It made him wonder if she thought herself as a bear. He wouldn’t want to lift through the illusion just by stating it, but if it came down to it he wouldn’t lie either.

He saw her look down at his flute that was in his hands, the one he’d carved very carefully from wood that had taken him many seasons to perfect. Though the question she asked next was not one he’d expect to hear, he didn’t understand what she meant, he raised an eyebrow though and looked at her questioningly.

I’m sorry but a what?

He asked as politely as he could, he had no doubts he’d be able to pronounce what she just said, but he wasn’t about to try and get it wrong now, in case it offended her, although his confused question could be a offensive, but he did try to say it in a way that it was all his fault for not knowing what she meant.

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